Outside Humans Honeymoon road trip travel diary. Day 1 & 2: LA – Agua Dulce – Las Vegas

Adding a day to our honeymoon road trip

Night one, 6/11/19 Agua Dulce California

We were supposed to leave from LA to Las Vegas on June 12th, but when we heard a good friend was going to be at his parents for the weekend to lift his Subaru, well, we wanted in. So we left a day early, turning our 40 day road trip into a 41 day road trip.

We both had mini panics throughout the day before leaving. Did we pack enough? Too much? Were we really ready to leave home for so long? What happens if our jeep breaks down in Montana? Or even further away?

Luckily we never panicked at the same time and we took off after 8pm. We got to our friends house and set up camp in their driveway before heading to bed. The next day we woke up at 6am and picked his brain on how to better our packing situation. We ended up pulling EVERYTHING out of the jeep and laying it out on his driveway (something we couldn’t do with our limited space in LA) to pack it more effectively. By 10am we were ready to head to Vegas and our friend headed back to Reno.

6 am wake up call
Sunny oversaw the repacking from the shade of the newly lifted Subaru.
Lifted Subaru Outback and our road trip ready Jeep (Sierra).
Happy Cars

Agua Dulce to Vegas: Fiascos abound

The drive from Agua Dulce to Las Vegas was supposed to take us about three hours, four max. We drove through a lot of desert nothingness while watching the temperature slowly rise. For most of the drive we were alone save for a few semi trucks, but when we were only an hour out of Vegas more and more traffic suddenly appeared. Turns out there was construction up ahead of us. Patience is something we’re both good at so we grabbed some snacks from the back and settled into traffic.

The majority of the drivers around us were unable to maintain their cool. While we sat on the freeway, drivers suddenly started trying to cut the “line” by driving on the median, in closed lanes, and even sideways across four lanes to sneak into rest stops. We were dumbfounded by some of shenanigans going on, but figured people were just hyped up thinking about Vegas.

*Traffic trigger warning*

Changing names

Our drive to the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas ended up being over six hours thanks to people loosing their cool. Unfortunately we were then faced with more difficulties when we tried to check in. Kk had booked the hotel almost a year ago, and her last name was now different than the one listed on the reservation. We were first told we probably wouldn’t be able to check in at all, but we put our teacher patience to the test and kept trying. When we finally were told we could still check in, we were told that the room we purchased wasn’t available. We still don’t understand how a booked room could be “unavailable”, but we were ultimately given an upgrade.

Patience is a virtue, especially in Las Vegas

We strongly believe that life is ultimately based on how you respond to situations. After remaining patient through traffic and check in issues, we found ourselves in a suite with this view:

View of the Las Vegas Strip at night from our suite in Paris, Las Vegas.

A Romantic start to our Honeymoon, Las Vegas style

Dinner with a view… and a show!

Spencer treated Kk to a romantic dinner date at the Eiffel Tower restaurant in the Paris Las Vegas hotel. It was such an amazing experience. We got to ride up the Eiffel Tower elevator, enjoy a beverage while waiting for our table at the 360* bar, and then ate some of the best food we’ve ever had while watching the Bellagio fountain water show (several times). It was the perfect start to our Honeymoon road trip.

What’s the longest road trip you’ve been on? What about the longest you would ever go on?? Comment below!

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